"Tredekka!" a voice thundered.
Spinning around, 13 stared into the cold, dark eyes of the Jinda-dii--the High Priest of the Serpentine Assassins.
The Jinda-dii spoke softly, "As penalty for your crimes against the Brotherhood, Agent 13, you have been sentenced to become a Serpentine Assassin. Your skills have thwarted us too many times--now they will become the most powerful weapons in our arsenal!"
Captured by the Brotherhood and brainwashed, Agent 13 believes he is a Serpentine Assassin! His mission--to kill his beautiful associate, Maggie Darr!
Thus, with Agent 13 "occupied," and Maggie Darr out of the way, the evil Brotherhood can proceed with its diabolical plan to take over the United States!