Spanning over a half a century, VEGAS RICH is the unforgettable story of...Sallie Coleman, who follows her dreams from Texas to Las Vegas, where a twist of fate makes her the riches and most powerful businesswoman in Nevada...Philip Thornton, the handsome, Bostonian who marries Sallie and transforms her into Vegas's most elegant first lady...Fanny Logan, the Pennsylvania beauty who creates an ultra-successful clothing empire -- and finds happiness and heartbreak as the wife of Sallie and Philips's son, Ash...Ash Thornton, who builds Babylon, the magnificent casino that becomes his most towering triumph -- and his tragic downfall...Simon Thornton, Ash's brother, whose search for meaning takes him from World War II battlefields to Wall Street and back to Nevada, where he finds love at last with the wife of his fiercest rival.
Played out against the glittering rise of Las Vegas, VEGAS RICH is an enthralling story of power and passion, lust and ambition, of bitter rilvaries and unswerving devotion...of dreams lost and love found.