The Ruthless Son of a Powerful Dynasty...
Conall Deverell was stunned by Sharon Graham's demand: that he honor a promise made by his grandfather to her great-aunt--and that the favor she wanted was that he make her pregnant! Ten years before, he'd broken her heart by saying the child she carried couldn't be his, that she must have been unfaithful--and he'd abandoned the girl who'd been his first love to run the family corporation. Now she vowed that this time he'd know the baby was his... but she wanted nothing else from the formidable man once shed proved her case. Conall found Sharon almost impossible to resist, but the master gamesman insisted she beguile him into taking her challenge, that she make him want her, make his blood boil. Sharon craved Conall's intimate embraces with a wildness that made her panic. But unless she fled Conall's domain, she feared he'd never free her heart. Would SwanSea's legacy be that true love once lost could be redeemed?