Join Wedgewood, Minnesota's Police Detective Renee Brown in book two of her series as she moves in with her sister, Diane, for what will become the longest two weeks of her life. Not one of them could imagined, what was wrong in Diane and Paul Logan's house when they heard strange noises in the attic that kept waking them up in the night. It was just plain weird when food and orange juice disappeared.Several suggestions were made. One neighbor said it was the ghost of the grumpy old man who committed suicide in the house. He was still haunting the place. Paul thought annoying bats that lived on the rock bluff were finding a way to get into the attic, but he couldn't explain the missing items. One neighbor thought there might be a peeking Tom in the neighborhood. Whatever was wrong, Paul Logan promised Diane and Renee he would find out on the weekend. The women weren't sure they could wait that long as the days dragged on, more things came up missing and the nights grew noisier. When they complained, Paul jokingly told Renee and Diane the noises might be made by One Big Bat.