Heaven's JubileeFollowers of The Way were being rounded up, but I never expected to be one of them. I wanted to ask God, "Why Me" but would it do any good? Instead, I prayed for strength and endurance, little knowing how much I would need it.
Zane's ConsequencesI'd always done things my way. Why would my flight test be any different?
Hope is All that is LeftOur parents had been arrested and Liz and I now hid from unknown enemies. We had nothing left until we remembered one thing: The hope that spring would come again.
Darren's ChoiceI never should have signed the contract. Not without knowing what my invention would be used for. Now I had a hard choice to make. Violate my conscience or forfeit my life?
New LifeSo much pain. So much suffering. We were sick without cure until the angel came.
Star Kitty: The Data FilesMy name is Data and I am a cat. I never expected to go on a spaceship or become a hero. Somehow, though, God had plans for both to happen. This is my story.