Themes: Hi-Lo, Fiction, Chapter Books, Rule Breaking
The eighth graders at Walden Lange Middle School are super excited. They are going to outdoor education camp. Five days in the mountains with their friends. No siblings. No parents. No homework. Sure, it's school. But the kids will be studying nature. Marlon and his friends can't wait. On the way to camp, Marlon streams the news on his phone. He learns that there has been a prison break in a nearby town. But who cares? Arrow Pines is large. The chance of anything happening in the middle of nowhere is remote. Once they arrive at camp, everyone stows their gear and preps for a hike. But Marlon is a slowpoke. He and Steve miss the hike. While searching for their group, they come across an old cabin. It s a wreck. And who are those two bearded and dirty men hiding out inside? Oh no! The escaped prisoners!
Walden Lane is a quintessential small city. And these chapter books describe a typical American family, with busy schedules and the usual problems. The series explores suburban life in a fun way, with topics appropriate for younger readers. These gentle reads are innocent, hopeful, and sometimes funny, with no unsettling surprises or storylines. Each book is 5,000 words (approx.) and 10 chapters.