Originally published as The Reluctant Heiress, The Magic Flutes is a beautiful, classic story of romance, intrigue and opera, by the award-winning Eva Ibbotson. Now reissued with a brand-new cover.In the spring of 1922, young Austrian Princess Theresa-Maria - known to her ancient aunts as ''Putzerl'' - abandons her crumbling castle and her royal duties. Disguising herself simply as Tessa, she enrolls as under wardrobe mistress of the International Opera Company and soon loses herself in the intoxicating world of the Viennese opera.But when Guy Farne, an Englishman looking to impress his new fiance, arrives in Austria and employs the Company to perform at his newly purchased Austrian estate, he finds himself fascinated by the under wardrobe mistress, and Tessa finds it increasingly difficult to keep her two lives separate.Sweeping across countries, class and music, Eva Ibboton''s classic historical romance
Magic Flutes, is a richly imagined tale of intrigue and identity.