Aphrodite, goddess of love, is offended that Hippolytos, son of King Theseus, has devoted his life not to her worship but to the worship of Artemis and to the hunt. In revenge, Aphrodite makes Queen Phaedra, stepmother of Hippolytos, fall in love with him. Realizing the hopelessness of the situation, Phaedra commits suicide, but not before leaving a note accusing Hippolytos of having encouraged Phaedra's affections. Enraged, Theseus calls on the god Poseidon to kill Hippolytos, which he does. But in his death throes, Hippolytos convinces his father of his innocence. Theseus is destroyed by all of this, and Aphrodite's revenge is complete.
Original illustrations silk-screened on handmade paper accompany the retelling of Euripides' gripping tale. This unique, handcrafted book will be a treasured addition to the libraries of those who love the arts of ancient Greece and the art of fine, contemporary bookmaking.