In the wake of an eco-catastrophe, civilization has risen again in a form at once familiar and horrific...
It is an age that has elevated Herod's Slaughter of the Innocents into a sacrament, justifying hideous deeds with the blessings of a twisted faith. All life is sacred until it is born.
A woman's place is to submit; to obey. A woman's place is to give over her newborn for exposure on a hillside if the child is flawed in any way, even if it is born the wrong sex. A woman's place is not to decide these things.
One woman, Becca of Wiserways Stead, will not accept her place. Becca's desire for change forces her to ultimately confront her vision of herself as she was raised. But though she is named a vessel of miracles by Gilber Livvy of the hidden tribes, will the secret she carries be miracle enough to redeem a world?