Max Carrados is everything a proper Edwardian Detective should be, intelligent, observant, educated, of independent means. He's also blind, but he never lets that stop him from solving a crime. Taken from the pages of the _Strand_, where he often received top billing over Sherlock Holmes, the eight stories in this volume show the celebrated detective at his deductive best. Whether he is determining whether an ancient coin is genuine or debunking a haunting he never fails. Read about his amazing powers in Max Carrados Resurrected! Stories include:The Coin of Dionysius, The Knight's Cross Signal Problem, The Tragedy at Brookbend Cottage, The Last Exploit of Harry the Actor, The Mystery of the Poisoned Dish of Mushrooms, The Ingenious Mr. Spinola, The Ghost of Massingham Mansions, The Disappearance of Marie Severe