"All thriller; no filler -- a white knuckled treat." -- James Patterson"[A] nail-biter that never sacrifices character for plot." -- Publishers WeeklySome people fight the devil inside them… others worship it.NYPD Detectives Phee Freeman and Quincy Cavanaugh are back and working to stop another serial killer. Freeman has his own battles to fight, too, as he navigates his family's refusal to accept his sibling AJ's identity. When AJ is found brutally murdered, he can't step away from the case. Before long, a pattern of shockingly similar ritualistic murders emerges. Freeman, Cavanaugh, and FBI Agent Janet Maclin must join forces with a brilliant but deranged cult leader to hunt down the killer. As the bodies begin piling up, Phee and his partners must rethink their entire investigation -- what if their suspect and their so-called expert are actually the same person?
Apart from his critically-acclaimed thriller titles, La Salle is a masterful mystery/crime storyteller. He may be best known for his acting roles in productions such as
ER, Coming to America, and
Logan, but his background in crime fiction was finely honed as he directed and executive produced countless episodes of popular shows such as
Law & Order, Law and Order SVU, Law & Order: Organized Crime, CSI: NY, and
Chicago PD with Dick Wolf.