Acursian is the first comic featuring John Barrowman, who stars in the comic as Charlie, from his many on-screen roles, including as Captain Jack Harkness on Torchwood and Doctor Who. In addition to John Barrowman, the series features a creative team that includes Carole Barrowman, John’s older sister, as well as Erika Lewis, who has previously collaborated with the Barrowman siblings as a producer on G4’s “Attack of the Show!” Acursian also features art by Beni Lobel as well as designs by Tommy Lee Edwards.Starring John Barrowman, Acursian is a time-traveling magical journey set between 1745 and present day that follows Charlie Stewart, a dislikeable lawyer whose bloodline is cursed by the Gods after Charlie's ancestor, Prince Charles Edward Stewart, makes a deal with Bregon, the god of war. The exchange quickly backfires with Bregon stealing three talismans from his sisters, the goddesses of fate and time, and a battle soon ensues. Until the talismans are returned, the three sisters can no longer control fate and time, and Charles Edward Stewart and his descendants are cursed to lose everything on their 40th birthdays