Venture into a world beyond the ordinary, where the dark passions and voracious appetites of vampires, werewolves, demons, and a few undaunted mortals combine to unleash a potent...HOT SPELL
Here are lovers like you've never dared to imagine: eyes that glitter with keenness born of ancient knowledge. Hands that move with a tenderness belying superhuman strength. Inviting smiles that reveal exquisitely lethal fangs. Rippling, leonine muscles. There's danger in the air--and heat.
Steam rises up off the pages of these four scorching novellas, sensuously crafted by four acclaimed authors who beckon you to slip into the shadows and experience the otherworldly pleasures of the night...
The Countess's Pleasure - During the Victorian age in Bhamjran, widow Georgiana attends a sex dance performed by Iyan. Having no sexual experience in spite of her marriage, she wants Iyan and he wants her. However, he is an indentured servant trying to get his mother free from a wrongful conviction and she is a foreign aristocrat so nothing can come of this desire.