Business is booming for Tia at her bakery, Soulful Bliss. Which means she can afford to hire some extra help. She chooses the more than qualified Katrina Black. Katrina is brought on for her exceptional baking skills and 'healthy' resume. Tia feels Katrina will fit nicely as a helping hand around the shop. But Katrina's penchant for being a habitual liar and gossip-monger somewhat concerns Tia.
Especially when Katrina's 'bad habit' begins to rub people in town the wrong way. One day the shops usual driver falls ill, leaving Katrina tasked with making the days cupcake deliveries. But at closing time she fails to reappear. Leading to the shocking discovery of her dead body in back of the delivery truck, which had been left outside the local conference center! Tia makes the gut-wrenching find and soon becomes a prime suspect in the eye of the law. It seems Katrina's 'gift for gab' has turned fatal. Someone wanted to silence her forever. Certainly not Tia. But then... who? and why?