An age of conquest, sorcery, and passion... -- Long before the British ruled Ireland, fiercely proud clans controlled the Emerald Isle. Bold chieftains, valiant warriors, mighty magicians, and indomitable women, they inhabited a land rich with promise and rife with treachery. From stormy Eagle Island beautiful Arrah O'Donnell fled the horrors of an arranged marriage to seek her fortune on the high seas. There, Seaghan MacNamara, cast out from his own clan, would pursue her, determined to possess the woman who had inflamed his very soul. Fate entwined them in a powerful web of lust and betrayal, sorcery and seduction. Their love would defy all the laws of Ireland, Christendom, and reason. Their story would become legend -- the spellbinding tale of a bold woman who dared to become mistress of her own destiny and a passion that defied man and God.