A GHOST OF BROTHER JONATHAN'S takes Shannon Delaney on a cold-case quest to investigate a mystery surrounding one of California's legendary shipwrecks… of 150 years ago: “More questions? Have at it,” Marta said. Marta's blue eyes glittered with excitement. Looking back at that moment, I swear that the paranormal energy in Marta's little dining room was tactile, and that at any moment it would manifest into a fiery bright orb, consuming all in its path. Was I scared? Most certainly. Would I back down? Not a chance. I nodded my understanding. “Marta, earlier this evening you mentioned the others, and said you keep the lights on for them. Who are the others?” She looked perplexed, and avoided direct contact by looking out the window. Marta kept her gaze on the darkness outside, in a low voice she said, “I'm not sure of all their identities.” I leaned over the table and in a calm voice, I asked, “What did they say to you, most recently, that is?” Marta turned to face me, and with strong, unwavering eye contact she said, “It sounded like, 'She's cagey...see.'”