Lily, a beautiful five-year-old, leaned over the fire to poke at the wood. A spark flew up and landed on the collar of her high-necked velvet dress. She brushed at the spark, but it had caught the lace and was burning her neck. Another spark landed in her hair. Momma, she screamed, as she frantically brushed at the flames that seemed to be crawling up her body.An accident that changes Lily's life. But there are other changes affecting the family that are coming. Lily's uncle George has suggested to her mother Elizabeth that the family make a new start in Canada. Lily quickly finds work in their new home and starts her journey into future adventures.The first three parts of this story are a mix of fact and fiction, based on Lily's own story. The final part is fact, based on Lily's own recollections, as a policeman's wife living with constant fear for her husband's life.