Few things are as lasting as the bond between sisters. In her poignant debut, Elizabeth Bass explores the lengths one cobbled-together family will go to for each other, and the power of a connection that never fades...
Sassy Spinster Farm is a place to find solace. At least, that's what it's become since Rue Anderson and her sister Laura transformed their childhood Texas homestead into a successful tourist destination. It's where guests flock to get their hands dirty and taste food fresh from the garden. And it's where Rue is raising her pre-teen daughter on her own -- while trying to keep her outspoken sister in check. It's not easy, but together, it seems there's nothing the two can't handle -- until an unexpected, and not entirely welcome guest shows up in the middle of one warm summer night.
Heidi Bogue, onetime stepsister to Rue and Laura, is back, and she's hiding from something. Why else would she return to the place she was dragged to, kicking and screaming, as a teenager? A place she was thrilled to leave when, three years later, she and her mother bolted, leaving Rue and Laura's father heartbroken? But while Laura is irate, Rue won't turn Heidi away. Technically, they were once sisters, and to Rue, sisterhood is forever.
Soon, Sassy Spinster Farm is turned upside down by Heidi's complicated presence. Still, Rue is determined that Heidi, like all their guests, finds the farm a safe place to discover -- or remember -- what really matters. It's a revelation that will come sooner than any of them expected, when devastating news shakes the foundation of their tenuous sisterhood.
Moving and uplifting, here is a beautifully written novel about the bonds we are born into and those we create for ourselves -- and of the strength that comes in loving without limits.