There are several variations of the story of the Little Mermaid or the Undine who loved a prince and few of them end happily... This one ended in murder.Successfully sorting out a princess disaster should have been enough for new Fairy Godmother Grace. She would happily never have to deal with murder again. Sadly, her very success has led her family to encourage her strongly to assist in an investigation of another death, and this one hits a little close to home. The victim of this murder is an old friend. And a fellow Fairy Godparent.At first glance, everything is simple and straight forward. There is a body. There is a murder weapon. There is a suspect. The spell sequence of the Mermaid and the Prince was completed before the murder, so there should be no problems with Magic reverting back into the Chaos it was born from. It should be simple.But Magic has different ideas. And nothing is as it seems.