Students who fail to turn in their assignments on time will get a zero, Mr. Lee has decreed. Tyler and Malik had fun all weekend. Now they have to stay up all night to write their papers. Their classmate, Darcie, finished her paper days ago. And she agrees with Mr. Li's ""no exception"" policy. But now she can't find her paper... These high-interest novels feature characters in situations encountered by real-life teens everyday. The student body of Dawson High study hard, date, root for the home team, hold down part-time jobs, succeed and fail, just like most American teenagers. Characters are faced with tough choices- and must decide and react based on their principles. However, choices are complicated and learning to do the right thing is almost never easy. Choices series. These high-interest novels feature characters in situations encountered by real-life teens everyday. The student body of Dawson High study hard, date, root for the home team, hold down part-time jo