This year Kaya is having trouble studying for history class. Kaya is off to a bad start when she does poorly on an exam. Mrs. Holt offers to hold a tutoring session to help students study for their next history test. While waiting for the session to begin, Mrs. Holt leaves the classroom, and leaves Kaya alone with a copy of the next test. These high-interest novels feature characters in situations encountered by real-life teens everyday. The student body of Dawson High study hard, date, root for the home team, hold down part-time jobs, succeed and fail, just like most American teenagers. Characters are faced with tough choices- and must decide and react based on their principles. However, choices are complicated and learning to do the right thing is almost never easy. Choices series. These high-interest novels feature characters in situations encountered by real-life teens everyday. The student body of Dawson High study hard, date, root for the home team, hold down par