Final novel...
Teenling outer space love story...
Seventeen year old human-like Tarn is a wane member of the Dihe tribe and lives within Intragalaxy.
Intragalaxy is a place of pink gas vapors, yellow radiation clouds, lush blue forest planets, green gaseous planetoids, dwarf white stars, teen cat-like best blossom Foxi, golden tinted human-like bud Koosbay, teen wolf-like doofur Cherwell, the regular inhabitants, and the entire Dihe tribe.
The Dihe are supernatural beings, who possess the Touch, which is displayed within a glowing white hue on each individual fingernail and toenail or the related species-kind claw or paw or tentacle.
The Touch is a special ability that allows a Toucher to lift up an item without a hand, fly through the air without a pair of wings, read a mind without talking, and heal a body without medications.
Currently, life within Intragalaxy is fun and pleasant until a set of numerous unnatural events force the Dihe tribe to look closer for a supernatural explanation.