ARAKIEL is a member of an elite team of Nephilim, known as “WATCHERS”. They operate under the cloak of darkness, to protect the very species they hide from…humanity! Their nightly battles with the “Fallen” Angels are the norm in their paranormal world. Arakiel is a prolific strategist whose abilities are rivaled by neither Watcher nor The Fallen. However, too much noise throws him into a state of confusion and agitation. He needs peace and quiet to Plan! Plan! Plan! Like his team, he was also promised a “Spirit” Mate -That one woman who will, sooth his spirit and destroy his inner demon. But after five thousand years he still hasn't found her. But then again…after dealing with his team's ‘Spirit' Mates, he's not sure he wants to find her! He never knew women could be so noisy, bossy and unreasonable! If his ‘Spirit' Mate is anything like these women, he'd rather die and let his inner demon deal with her AND her mouth! FAITH's family thought she was autistic because she was born without an “emotional chip”. There is no light in her eyes and she shows no feelings for anyone, not even her family. They soon discovered that she is a genius, born with the ability to utilize every portion of her brain. She also has a compulsive need for order. She plans her daily activities and even her meals seven days in advance. She is a Renowned Architectural Design Artist and needs peace and quiet to Plan! Plan! Plan! Unnecessary noise throws her off kilter. ARAKIEL'S teammates and FAITH'S family have figured out that they are ‘Spirit' Mates. But mum's the word! They think it's hilarious that two of the most anally retentive people they know are mates. When they finally meet, will they still need to Plan! Plan! Plan!? Will the shackles that have been guarding their emotions be unbroken? Or will they throw caution to wind and live life one moment at a time? If so, will the ramification be that the team will lose the best strategist known to both worlds? ?