Teen-aged Linda Tassel is a bridge person, straddling the worlds of her white father and the Eastern Cherokee nation of her mother's people. Linda has a friend in Tad Gist, who honors both cultures with mutual respect. A good thing, since they have a knack for finding trouble in both.
School is out for the summer of 1993. Linda Tassel has invited her friend Tad to travel with her family and Cherokee clan friends to Harmony Festival, where she's to perform the Butterfly Dance with her friend Rising Fawn Reed. But soon after they arrive at the festival campgrounds, Rising Fawn disappears.
They notify the local police, but they are busy searching for the arsonist who just set the campground blaze. A missing Indian girl? She's probably run off with her boyfriend.
Together with Linda's clan brother Guli Whitepath, Linda and Tad are on their own in finding their friend- a search that may lead to permanent missing status for them all.
"well-paced, engaging series with likable characters."- Goodreads Review
"Recommended for anyone who is interested in mysteries, or learning more about Cherokee culture."- Long and Short Reviews