While Lord Belmundus voyages back to Farn on the Gananadana, the Battle for Montjoy continues to rage. The Danuwa have liberated the Kalugu and now set their eyes on the Porias and the Yuganawu. But General Tarhippus is not an easy critter to defeat and sets forth a strategy to turn the tide back in Montjoy's favor. Cetrone valor, once set in motion, proves indelible, despite any doubt coming from the Ayelli Hill.The Battle for Montjoy is the sixth book in the fifteen book series, The Adventures of Lord Belmundus, a remarkable tale of others worlds, strange customs, beauty and warfare; and, in its grips, lands a young celebrity, who has the chaps to play the many parts this great journey requires. In the sixth book, the Cetrone continue to liberate their comrades in Montjoy in the name of their Didaniyisgi, Lord Belmundus. Then, he returns -- expecting to be chastised once more for breaching the Ayelli trust, only to discover he has risen in the eyes of the Elector Kuriakis. Peace is desirable, but as long as General Tarhippus treads the ground, peace is unlikely. So, with negotiations in mind and unexpected allies at his side, Lord Belmundus prepares for the grandest of battles. Come, bring your blunderboomer and join the fray.