In Boots of Montjoy, Lord Belmundus returns to Farn and battles for control of the realm. The Cetrone raise their cry for equality, while the Yunockers wage war for dominance. Intrigue and politics hold sway, while the Electors decide the fate of Farn. Darker and more sinister threats lurk and the Zinbear is set loose to wreak havoc. When the dust clears, many questions linger. Will Harris Cartwright prevail as the Protector of the Realm? Will he fulfill his greatest role as Boots of Montjoy? The second book of The Farn Trilogy brings our hero to the brink in his attempt to transform Montjoy's oppressive society into a better order - the New Day, an amalgamation of the four principle races. The days of learning are over. The days of doing are here. All citizens are called to rise above warfare's ruin and face challenges from other realms. Love and magic and witchcraft flourish now under Farn's two suns and seven moons, in the gardens of the Scaladar roses astride the Temple of Greary Greer in the shadow of Mount Taotarhiti. Yet, the crown is heavy on our hero's head. "Alone in the Scarlet Chamber, Lord Belmundus sits on the small seat before the Elector's throne, the room dim in the lamp light with only his driver reclining at the far end of the hall waiting on the chance that his lord might need his services. Harris opens his eyes and sighs - a sad gust, but one with fitful resolve."