A strange and terrible curse has, for two decades, twisted the lives of every person living on a terror-ridden plantation. To this sink of evil comes determined young Dan Reed, torn by overpowering love for a beautiful girl and loyalty to a foster father.
Dan is primed to carry out a long-planned scheme of vengeance upon the evil owner. He receives a dire warning, but too late to stop the pounding march of Fate.
DAN REED He as a foundling who wanted love, but who had been trained for revenge.
CLEO DUNBARTON Daughter of the great house, she was excitingly beautiful, and reckless in love.
RALPH DUNBARTON The man of mystery who had become master of Wood ibis when death haunted the plantation.
MADELINE DUNBARTON A woman whose overpowering beauty hid strange and fathomless depths.
NOEL REED He thought he knew the secret of Wood Ibis -- and he had to know even if the truth would destroy him.