He had a coffin-shaped face, a .45 single action Colt was awkwardly strapped to his thigh, and its owner looked as though he must have picked a lucky day for his very recent first shave, otherwise he would have cut his own throat; yet somehow, he did not stumble over the hand-hewn planks as he strode to the bar. "I'm Simon Bolivar Grimes, suh, lookin' fo' my uncle's ranch in Crockett County in the next day or two." And that is our introduction to Simon Bolivar Grimes, E. Hoffman Price's answer to Robert E. Howard's Breckenridge Elkins. While both Mountain Men were able to get themselves into a whole peck of trouble, Price's Grimes also had the ladies to take care of, in the Spicy manner This collection of 13 stories include 11 from Spicy Western Stories, and one each from Speed Western Stories and Fighting Western. Each story is fully illustrated with the original pulp magazine's artwork. From Pulpville Press.