Things are not going well in either Henge or neighboring Helsop. A summons from the Great Khan’s troublesome daughter-in-law Odval of Barburee means another unwanted trip to Taz for Princess Electra and her family in Helsop. The death of the twins’ beloved panther Ebony brings Esme home to Henge for the big cat’s funeral.Once back in Henge, the twins’ father learns that his enemy King Gundar has found a new source of exploding white powder and is no longer buying Henge’s exploding arrows at inflated prices.With these new developments swirling around them, our northern friends begin plans that will take them far from their homeland and out into the dangerous ports of the Great Sea.While buying up the sources of white powder around the Great Sea, Shalin finds new clues to her ring’s history. Esme, who goes along reluctantly and under protest, is surprised to find an unexpected source of joy in Constantinople. The joy and excitement are short-lived as the situation turns grim aboard the Kingdom of Henge.Fire Flowers is a book that will keep readers on the edge of their seats for another wild ride through the medieval world.