Any girl would look forward to a summer on the island of Majorca in the Mediterranean, and for Jill Montgomery there was the added thrill of pursuing her career in archaeology. She could learn much on this expedition led by her father. Majorca was rich in buried and sunken archaeological treasures, and Professor Montgomery hoped that in their on land excavating and off-shore skin-diving, he, his young assistant Alan Douglas, and Jill would turn up some priceless treasures.
But with it all, Jill's summer ahead was not complete until she met Rafael Alfredo Salazar y Arijona, son of a wealthy family from Madrid. Jill had never before known such compelling good looks, such courtly manners, such Old World charm as were Rafael's. That his former Harvard classmate Reid Stevenson, an attractive career-diplomat-to-be, was an enthusiastic escort for Alan's sister, Laurel, who had accompanied the expedition, only added to the magic. The two couples shared many wonderful hours touring the beautiful island.
When Alan Douglas suddenly professed his love for Jill, and his jealousy of Rafael Salazar, the success of the expedition was threatened. Alan tended to be maddeningly officious (a mild term for the attitude of Rafael's patrician mother when she learned of her son's romance), and for Jill, skin-diving alone in anger, there was danger in the sea…
Thus Jill's summer was one of love, heartache, and adventure -- even as it was one that would end with the promise of another more romantic visit to Majorca.