Stories of the old west told in the tradition of Dorothy M. Johnson.Usually in western fiction the men get the glory, but the white hats in these tales are bonnets. This time it's the women riding into the sunset to fight such powerful enemies as loneliness, abuse, frontier biases and more, all while trying to build new homes in an unforgiving land.No fast draws at high noon here. No cattle rustlers. No cattlemen vs. sheepmen. Meet a woman who saves her life with cups of tea. Another who keeps her feet firmly on the ground so her husband can find his heaven just over the horizon. Go west, young woman. The frontier wants adventurous and intrepid females to see its magnificence for what it is, both beautiful and deadly. And here's a question: Does a true cowboy wash dishes?These stories are of those who really tamed the west, the women who stood tall and proud in the face of a lawless frontier.