Three Brides For Three Cowboy Brothers - Three mail order brides show up on the same day for three brothers. No one gets along and mostly, all dislike each other. When some cattle are rustled the women make a plan that could bring everyone together in some kind of peace PLUS Three Brothers & The Fighting Brides - A group of women head out west on the train to meet their mail ordered husbands but when a fight erupts that spills out onto the train platform, all that the three waiting brothers can see is a mass of swirling skirts and bonnets and differently colored hair PLUS Three Sisters & the Journey West - A woman and her two sisters fall on hard times in England when their alcoholic father dies, so they all decide to go out west and seek mail order husbands PLUS Five Sisters And Two Bachelors Along The Oregon Trail â€" Five sisters take the perilous journey west and along the way, form a few deep and abiding relationships.