Reandn was a guard in the high king's service. He had a respected position, a beloved wife, and a son who loved and admired him. Then little boys started disappearing from the castle keep. Reandn was put in charge of the investigation, and soon he was hot on the trail of the evil person responsible. Then Reandn's life was destroyed by magic.
But magic wasn't supposed to exist anymore, and only one woman truly believed his story -- Rethia, she with the funny colored eves. A healer now, she too was set apart from the rest. As a small child, she had been there when the unicorns left, taking the magic with them.
Now, the unicorns want to bring the magic back into the world. But Reandn, who knows what harm magic can do, will attempt everything in his considerable power to make sure his world is not again -- Touched by Magic