Lisa "Garrie" McGarrity is a young woman once mentored by a ghost who now leads a ghostbuster team--all of whom are recently entangled with Trevarr, a fiercely driven demon-hunter from a different dimension. After tumultuous adventures in San Jose, the team finds themselves much changed and struggling to adjust, while Trevarr returns to this world--and to Garrie--a battered exile.
But Garrie and her team don't head for home; Quinn Rossiter has a lady friend in Sedona who needs their help. There, in that area of power convergence, Garrie is astonished to find the ethereal breezes quiet, the earth's activity so diminished as to be nonexistent...if you don't count those oddball surges that don't taste like our world at all. Soon enough, Quinn's skeptical friend soon goes missing...soon enough, their efforts to contain the situation go amazingly awry. With Trevarr wary and alert, his opinionated not-cat bond partner dropping dire hints of trouble on their trail, Sedona ghosts rising to act out against Garrie wherever she goes, and one living Keharian ethereal breeze detector gone completely amuck and on the loose, she has only just so much time to figure out what's going on before the power plays are too much even for this one-of-a-kind reckoner and her otherworldly partner.