Set in 19th-Century Colorado Territory, the first three books of the series followed the adventures of Charlie Smith as he came of age, sought - and sometimes fought for - his fortune, and learned who to trust and who not to trust. Now, The Crimson River fast forwards to 21st-Century Denver, with Charlie Smith's descendent as a main character, and with flashbacks to the late 19th Century. The plot involves a hunt for buried treasure based on clues found in Charlie's diary, passed down through the generations.
Beloved characters from the first three books enter the picture again. They struggle against greedy antagonists and their own conflicted motives. The reader is kept guessing with plot twists that provide suspense and intrigue as well as romance and inspiration.
Fans of the series won't be disappointed with this enthralling final installment that reveals more of the Almighty's 'mysterious ways.'
Previous books in the series include:
BOOK ONE: White As Snow: A Christmas Story
BOOK TWO: Rock of Refuge: A Frontier Novel
BOOK THREE: In Green Pastures: A Frontier Novel
Appropriate for - and enjoyed by - youth and adults alike!