What could she possibly have in common with a man whose watch costs more than her car?Georgia may be slowing down a bit at sixty, but she isn't stupid yet. The idea of her genuinely dating Dr. Brentwood Colombo, aka Hollywood when he poses in her doorway… well, that's just totally insane.
Where is her dignity? Where is her pride? How did she let her snickering friends dare her into giving him a chance?
And where is the kind, caring daughter she raised? Mariah's been replaced with an evil version who keeps insisting she gives the womanizing plastic surgeon who dates twenty-year-olds a fair chance. A fair chance at what, Georgia wonders? Breaking her heart?
No, thank you. She would rather keep her womanly dignity than see it trampled under Hollywood's expensive, polished shoes. Now if he'd just stop talking about her perfect body, she just might forget about him completely.