Award-winning author, Donna MacMeans, continues the adventures of the Chambers family that began with The Education of Mrs. Brimley. This Victorian-set historical begins in London but travels to America to encompass the assassination of President Garfield.
Michael Rafferty, an agent for the Crown, is on the trail of a conspirator who champions Irish independence through acts of violence. The trail takes him from the alleyways in London to the British legation in Washington. D.C. where he must assume the role of a diplomat in order to set a trap for the villain. However, to complete the pretense, he'll need to transform his coarse image and find someone to portray his wife.
Lady Arianne Chambers, sister to a duke and well versed in high-society, reluctantly agrees to assist Rafferty's charade. She'll teach him the finer points of beings a gentleman, but she has no desire for a husband. Yet the honorable and passionate man hidden beneath rough edges finds his way into her heart. Can she trust her secrets -- and her future -- to a seductive rogue?