Even Passion Is Not Enough...
Tyler Ellington thought a scholarship to film school was the chance to fulfill her lifelong ambition, but she never imagined her hardest lesson would be in love. Betrayed by sexy filmmaker Miles Bennett, the first man she'd allowed into her heart, Tyler flees home to Savannah, only to find another man intruding in her fantasies. Handsome photographer Sterling Grey has the sense of humor, unwavering patience and compassionate heart that are the exact opposite of Miles Bennett. Soon the wounded Tyler finds herself surrendering to the pleasure of his caresses.
When Love Is Only a Charade
Even a perfect summer romance can't dissuade Tyler from returning to New York, and to Miles. Working with him to produce her prize-winning screenplay, she is moved by his humble apologies--and swept up in his passionate kisses. Her long-cherished dreams have indeed come true, but Tyler can't forget Sterling's warm, tender touch. Now torn between two men, she must decide which love is the real thing.