Four friends on an African safari must transform themselves from tourists into agents of their own survival.
Griff, a dedicated orthopedic surgeon, has a bone-deep aversion to the unexpected. Nina is a master of three languages andshe mistakenly believesher own roomy universe. Todd is a marathon-running footwear engineer whose impulsive behavior compounds the danger for everyone. Abby, a beautiful, gifted teacher, encounters a steep learning curve during this vacation of a lifetime.
Waiting for Bones is the story of a life-or-death test for two couples in a vast, untamed wilderness. Dehydration, sunstroke, savage vegetation, and Africas most fearsome predatorssome of them humanthreaten at every turn. As the four come face-to-face with the hazards and living riches of one of the last pristine environments on Earth, they make life-changing discoveries about their partners and themselves.
This is a writer who can dramatize action, spring surprises and deliver a satisfying, even inspiring, denouement.