A daring escapade lands a lady in trouble... and in love!
Tranquility Hartford yearned for romance and adventure. Instead, her mother decreed she must be married -- within two weeks! Tranquility, who was anything but serene, always had the ton a-twitter over her last bit of mischief. Now she was as desperate as she was defiant... and so she fled all the way to Paris -- unchaperoned! If anything went amiss on her journey, she would be utterly ruined. Of course everything did. In fact, Tranquility was soon in dire need of a hero.
The Marquis de Beaulieu had neither the time, nor the spare francs, to save a spoiled English beauty. He needed to tend to his crumbling castle, and that meant resisting the desire to take Tranquility in his arms. His solution? Install her in a convent until he could dispatch her home. But the very handsome unusually obstinate nobleman had underestimated the power of amour. As for Tranquility, she didn't know just how dangerous a kiss could be....
Hero: Dominic Moreau, Marquis de Beaulieu
Heroine: Tranquility (Tallie) Hartford
Twin sister: Divinity Hartford