War has come back to the Old World, carried out by a former Romanian Securitate chief and his army of professional killers. Konrad Lorenz's underground railroad for ex-East Bloc secret policemen had amassed a lethal force to back up his business enterprises dealing in stolen national gold reserves, art treasures and hijacked weapons -- including uranium up for grabs to the highest bidder.
To counter this new threat, Bolan hits the ground running and follows a trail of carnage across the face of Europe. But the underground military service is well connected, with access to people in high places, and Lorenz's seasoned operatives get an urgent directive: Take out the Executioner.
Bolan throws himself into the pursuit, a man already marked for certain death. With the odds stacked against him, the Executioner blitzes on to face down an assassin who is every bit his equal in the deadly arts.