On a mission of mercy to save the life of the wounded girl Valana, Jack Ryder is transporting her body to the medical facility on Senterra 7. But on approach, the carrier is pulled into a rip in space and crash lands.
Stranded on an arid desert world, Jack and the survivors discover others, also victims of the rip and marooned on the planet. The only help lies in a hidden Citadel, but the others are wary of Jack's plans to get help.
With the Oregon arriving at the station soon after, the crew try to unravel what has become of the carrier, but Kara Everett has problems of her own with the mentally unstable archaeologist Nova Mitchell and the reclusive young woman Samira.
Strange events are occurring on the Oregon, but as they search for clues Kara is convinced that the answers to the carrier's fate are being concealed on purpose.
And as she continues her investigations, she realises that the carrier's disappearance might not be an accident after all...