The spy thriller, The Children of Santiago, is no fuzzy, cutesy story. And, it's not about Santiago, Chile.Instead, a stark, sobering and psychological account about the child, teen, and young-adult, spies recruited from the international families actively stationed abroad during the 1960s, 70s, 80s and 90s.Later, the posse became known as the Lions, Tigers and Dragons of Judah. Young, and young adult, spies rumored to exist since the USSR era.Described by one publisher as a 'spy-travel-journal-on-steroids', it begins in South America, extending into Africa, United States, Europe and the Mediterranean region.Characters were inspired by a United States Air Force (USAF) Brigadier General, two USAF Majors, a Royal Air Force Major, a US Marine Corps Captain, and Central and South American military and government officials.The jungle flying was inspired by pilots referred to as Bush Pilots or Jungle Pilots.Some of the countries, people, events and dates were altered for the sake of discretion.TCW was real. The concept started in the late 1970s after a news reporter was murdered in Central America. In theory, the proposal was designed to protect reporters and journalist, utilizing TCW instead of torture and execution.The book is written as fiction.The Children of Santiago replaces the book, Archangel.