Demon...or Healer?
For years Snakewater, the aging medicine woman of Old Town, has been respected--and feared--by her Cherokee village. Now, as a series of mysterious deaths plagues her village, she finds herself accused of being a
Raven Mocker, the legendary creature of evil that steals life from its victims in its relentless quest for immortality. Driven from her people, Snakewater journeys west for the first time with a traveling band to the Cherokee settlements far beyond the Mississippi.
Her trail will be one of perilous discovery. Accepted by a culture new to her, admired and loved by its children, she finds herself feeling more vibrant and youthful. But is her newfound vigor a gift of the spirits...or a sign that her people were right, that she is a life-stealing
Raven Mocker? As the annual Sun Dance approaches, Snakewater will learn the fateful truth about herself and the unexplained deaths--a surprising revelation that will confirm her new life...or destroy it.