When the expedition team is about to exit from the turf of the drug lord and enter the upper level, it is split into male and female squads. Hector_1304 is dressed in dreadful drag, and enters the feminist floor to rescue Wendy and the Pluck Princess. Even if he manages to reunite with the female squad, he is forced to be executed publicly in front of the hostile crowd.
Can the trio work together to get out of the dangerous predicament? What comes useful in this situation; combative abilities, theatrical skills, musical talent, planning ability, assistances from unexpected sources, or the cunning to deceive not only foes but also friends? How are an ugly redhead and a beautiful blonde going to affect the stage?
When the musical performance by the Pluck Princess in the purple haze reaches the climax, the public execution starts veering off to an unexpected direction.
At The BBB website, you can download a musical track, composed and performed by the Pluck Princess.