Explore the magical world of LEGO Harry Potter in charming detail.A spellbinding book featuring the very best sets and minifigures in the LEGO Wizarding World--plus an exclusive minifigure from the LEGO
Harry Potter theme for your collection.
Packed with sets, minifigures, and magical accessories from the LEGO Wizarding World, DK's
LEGO Harry Potter Magical Treasury covers the very best of the LEGO
Harry Potter theme--from a Hogwarts castle with more than 6,000 pieces to a perfectly molded minifigure-sized wand.
Learn how these magical sets are created in a behind-the-scenes chapter, which features an interview with the award-winning LEGO
Harry Potter team.
© & (TM) Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. Publishing Rights © JKR. (s19). ©2019 The LEGO Group.