A fateful kiss. A stolen letter. Falling for the wrong man has never felt so right...Daisy Weatherby cannot remember a time she wasn't in love with Flynn Hollister. When the dashing young soldier writes to her older sister, she steals his letter and writes him back herself, setting off a chain of unstoppable events that will ultimately change her fate forever.During the five years he has been stationed overseas, Flynn Hollister has looked forward to letters from Daisy's sister. But when he returns home, wounded and weary, he is shocked to learn that the eldest Weatherby sister is married to his older brother.Furious and heartsick, Flynn believes himself betrayed by the woman he loves. Now Daisy must find a way to confess she is the author of the letters he so treasured. Will Flynn see the woman he fell in love with is standing right before him? Or will Flynn's wounded heart keep Daisy from experiencing the passionate love she has kindled for so many years?