A stirring psychological thriller adapted into the movie The Haunted Airman starring Robert Pattinson.
Toby Jugg, a fighter pilot shot down in combat, is now confined to his bed with little hope of walking again. He is also the heir to a considerable fortune - a fortune that is being administered by a board of trustees until he comes of age.
But night after night, out there in the moonlight, Something was trying to get in at the bedroom window. A huge malevolent Something. Something not of this world. Inside, Toby thought first that he was hallucinating, then that he must be going mad, finally that this evil Something was real and striving to reach him.
So begins what is probably Dennis Wheatley's most terrifying story of the supernatural. The struggle which ensues brings Toby unexpected help but also treachery as it moves inexorably towards an appalling confrontation and seemingly inevitable catastrophe.