Emma Hathaway finds joy in the small town life of Juniper Falls, caring for the seniors she has grown to love at Heart & Home assisted living facility. Emma insists she is content to avoid dating and the heartbreak that can come from falling in love. After all, she has her rescue dog Charlie to keep her company. Yet others notice her loneliness. The zany elderly residents make it their mission to find their beloved nurse a date before Valentine's Day. Financial problems arise threatening the future of Heart & Home, along with Emma's job. Attractive and ambitious Jake Rothstein blows into town from his big city life with plans to move his grandmother, one of Emma's favorite residents, to a care facility in the city. But first Jake must sell the family house he grew up in. He is determined to leave Juniper Falls behind him, along with the painful memories he has buried. In hopes of changing his mind, Emma offers to assist Jake in packing up the family house. Met with reminders from his past and unexpected feelings around every corner, his heart begins to soften. But when Emma is faced with losing what matters most to her, Jake takes the brunt of her pain and is ready to run from his hurts again. Can both hearts heal to allow love to find its way home?