Deborah Nicholson spent four years changing her life and losing over 140 pounds, journalling her misadventures along the way. Together with her coworkers, Arlene Cox - psychologist and Kelly Sullivan - registered dietitian, she penned Stop Lying to try and help others struggling with weight and food issues to find their own path towards truly overcoming those issues. Midwest Book Reviews says: In the beginning of this read you will meet three woman, Deborah, Arlene and Kelly. These three woman teamed up to write a book about weight loss. I know, there are many books out there on this subject, but not one quite like this. Besides having background and knowledge in this area, our ladies give you something special and that is truth and hope. They share with you their struggles, their victories, their failures and their knowledge in this long going battle that so many of us face. We all know that maintaining a proper weight is vital to our health and our entire life, but for most of us it is a struggle just to balance all the other arrows coming our way. How are we suppose to take the time to figure this out as well, and why should we? After all, don't we deserve that big piece of cake or large helping of that very calorie filled plate of food set before us. We work hard, we take care of our families, we hold down jobs and wear more hats than anyone could imagine. But if the truth be known, everyone would be much happier if they were not carrying around more weight than their frames can handle.So what is the answer. The ladies have taken this question to task. They have each contributed within the pages of this book their story, their secrets and shared them with the reader on a one to one personal level. I liked how Arlene tells us right from the start that we have value, we are wise and wonderful. And I had to giggle when I read to get on the scale and see what the numbers read, and take off your cloths and have a good look. Horrors! Also when Deborah asks us to confront the lies we tell ourselves and that we had to learn to live differently, that really hit home. Arlene shares with us to become aware of feelings we have and how food can be our comfort. I sure know that feeling, as I'm sure that most of you do as well. I really liked the part where Deborah talks about saying something and meaning it. She gives a section titled: "My Manifesto For A Healthy Life." It's like a confession page, and truly what we speak forth over and over again, we will begin to believe. They are constructive confessions such as: I will plan and think before I eat; I will love myself now, not wait until I'm thin, and many more. However my favorite part is: "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer"..... Deborah explains in this part of the book that everyone has problems so thinking that becoming thin will solve all your problems is not wisdom. Also in this section she gives us some Public Enemies; Example: Public Enemy #1 The Grocery Store. Ah! I bet you didn't know that was your enemy! There is so much information, wisdom and encouragement in this book that I could write a several page review, but I will end here. If you really want to read a no nonsense approach to weight loss, with a deep personal touch that expands in so many areas this book is for you. These ladies know what they are talking about, they live what they preach and you can tell through their words that their desire is to reach out and help others. It is interesting and refreshing, will make you giggle at times and sigh at others. Their approach to this subject is personal, from them to you and you will truly feel their hearts reaching out to help you achieve your goal. There is no condemnation for being overweight, only the encouragement of going to where you want to be to walk in the health and vitality that should be yours. Recommended, great job. Shirley Johnson/Senior Reviewer MidWest Book Review